February Moodboard + Monthly Goals

Background, Freebie, Inspiration, Moodboard

I’m very excited that it’s finally February! Is it just me or did January seem to last a lifetime?? While it’s still wintery here in NC, February always gets me in the mood from spring. It may not feel like spring yet, but I know it’s right around the corner!

My business is making some big shifts this year already and I’m sure excited for what we are working on over here! What do you all think of the new site?? Send me a DM on Instagram and let me know!

Monthly Goals

1. Keep up our blog post and podcast schedule

I’ve gotten in a groove lately with my blog posting schedule and I’m really excited for the posts we have coming up this quarter! We also have podcast episodes coming out every other week and I feel like we are finally hitting our stride in putting out more content for you all! I hope you will stick around and check out some of the free educational content we have coming up!

2. Launch some goodies!

I feel like I’m always promising this, but I SWEAR it’s actually happening! We will be launching our shop this month and I CANNOT WAIT! If you aren’t signed up to our newsletter, be sure to sign up to be the first group to hear when everything goes live! (There may even be some discounts along with it!)

3. Make time for healthy habits

I’m really making an effort to make time for myself. This has been SUPER hard during Covid, since we just stay home and my default mode is to keep working constantly. But recently I started painting again, just for me, and I’m able to start working out again after an ankle sprain back in November. It’s so important to do things for you that make you feel good, if for nothing else than to take some time away from work every once in a while.

This month’s free background is inspired by the Valentine’s holiday and the spring weather that I’m daydreaming about! Enjoy this hand drawn floral pattern this month! For the free background there are versions for your computer, tablet and phone wallpapers. Sign up here to our newsletter to receive your free download!

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